Web Alternatives for Free Clever SSO Users

Read to learn alternatives to accessing Kodable from the web for Free Clever SSO users.

Zoey Dwiggins avatar
Written by Zoey Dwiggins
Updated over a week ago

This article details some easy to use workarounds and creative alternatives for Free Clever SSO users who access Kodable from the web.

Use Google Classroom to Post a Link to Kodable

A super user-friendly alternative is using Google Classroom to post a link to your Kodable class list. Student's can click a link posted in their Google Classroom that can take them directly to their Kodable class list page. From there, students will simply select their name and start coding. Read the detailed steps below to learn how to use this alternative!

Step 1: Login to your teacher dashboard and go to: My Classes. Each class has a unique URL that can be shared with students found under the Computers section.

Step 2: Open up Google Classroom and select the class you wish to share the login link with.

Step 3: Create an announcement and post the URL as a link.

Here you can see I've made an announcement and added in a description too. Below is what students will see after you create the announcement.

All students will need to do is click the link, select their name from the class list, and begin coding on Kodable.

Bookmark the Kodable Class List Page

Another web alternative for Free Clever SSO users is using your browser bookmarking tool.

Step 1: Have students go to their unique URL found on the dashboard

Step 2: Add a bookmark to your browser.

Step 3: Drag bookmark to desktop to create an easy-to-click icon.

You can see I have my dragged the URL to my desktop and renamed the link to my Kodable Class name, Kodable 2nd Grade Coding Class.

Now, all your students will need to do is click the icon and then select their name from their class list to starting coding away.

Need more solutions or support? Reach out to us directly at support@kodable.com!

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