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How do I roster my students?

Kodable offers several easy ways to roster students within the platform.

Emi Greenman avatar
Written by Emi Greenman
Updated over 3 months ago

Kodable has many different rostering options to choose from! Check out all of our options below:

There are four different ways to roster students in Kodable:

⭐️Roster Manually

⭐️Roster using Google Classroom

⭐️Roster using Clever Free Libraries (Free Users)

⭐️Roster using Clever Secure Sync (Premium + Users)

Read below to learn more about our rostering methods and how to access them.

Roster Students Manually

This is the easiest and most user-friendly way to roster students! All you will need to do is simply copy and paste your class rosters into Kodable. We also have an option to add classes in bulk, add multiple students at a time, and add students individually.

To add students manually, start from your Teacher Dashboard and select the blue "+ Add Class" button.

Next, name your new class! If you wish to add classes in bulk, select the "Add Multiple Classes" button. From here, you can add multiple classes to save time if you have lots of classes to roster.

If you are wanting to add multiple students to one class you will select the continue button after naming your class. Next, you will now see a blank box to paste in your class rosters. After pasting, click continue and your students will be added to your new class.

To add students to classes individually, select the class you would like to add a student to and then select the blue "+ Add Students" button. You will then see the option to select "One Student" option under the mode section. Don't forget to select "Add Student"!

Roster Students using Google Classroom

Another super simple way to add students in Kodable is to import existing classes from Google Classroom. This is a great option if you already have multiple classes rostered to your existing Google Classroom account.

To roster using Google Classroom, select the blue "+ Add Class" button from the Teacher Dashboard.

Next, you will need to name your class. Then you will see an option to select "Add From Google Classroom". You will be prompted to sign in in with Google. Next, select the classes you wish to import.

Keep in mind this is a one-time sync with Google Classroom. This means if you add a new student to your Google Classroom, the student will not appear within your Kodable class. You will need to enter them in manually.

Roster Students using Clever Free Libraries

If you are a free user, you can utilize Clever Free Libraries. Check out this Clever SSO article to learn more!

Roster Students using Clever Secure Sync

If you are a Premium+ user, you can use the Clever Secure Sync option to roster your students. This Clever integration makes it easier than ever to add your students and classes to Kodable. You can choose which classes you'd like to import to Kodable and all your classes will stay up to date in Kodable when you edit them in Clever. To view more information on how to set up Clever Secure Sync with your Premium+ subscription, click the link here.

Note: Kodable is no longer supporting the Clever Single Sign On (SSO) integration for Premium users moving forward due to restrictions that Clever places on their Libraries product have made it difficult to maintain a consistent and reliable experience for our Premium customers.

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