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What is Sequence?

Learn about sequence, putting code in the correct order.

Jon Mattingly avatar
Written by Jon Mattingly
Updated over 6 months ago

People are smarter than computers. We decide what actions we want a computer to carry out, and then we communicate in a language the computer understands in order to complete tasks. We call this language “code”, and we instruct the computer using specific commands. Students can practice sequence in the planet Cloudhaven.


Sequence, the order that commands are executed by a computer, allows us to carry out tasks that have multiple steps.

In programming, sequence is a basic algorithm: A set of logical steps carried out in order. Computers need instructions in the form of an algorithm in order to complete a desired task, and this algorithm must have the correct order of steps, or sequence.

Example: We can relate sequence to our everyday lives. Think about making a PB & J sandwich as a task, for example. If we want to make a delicious, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, we need to follow multiple steps in a logical order. We would begin by gathering our ingredients, getting a knife, spreading the peanut butter, spreading the jelly, and so forth.

If we wanted a robot to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for us, we would need to make sure we gave the robot instructions in the correct sequence to avoid missing a step, not having all the ingredients we need, or ending up with an inside-out sandwich.

Application: In programming, computers can only carry out tasks that are in the correct sequence. Computers are MACHINES and they have to do things the way they were built to do them.

In Kodable, the fuzz needs to be given instructions in the correct sequence to get through the maze. Using arrows as commands, we need to give the fuzz instructions in the correct sequence, or the fuzz will hit the wall of the maze.

Computers read in a certain order; similar to a typewriter which can only go left to right and top to bottom. A computer has to read code in order. If the sequence of the commands is incorrect, the computer won’t be able to follow the instructions.

Why is Sequence Important? In both programming and day to day tasks, if we don’t put every step in the right sequence, the end result isn’t what we wanted. Sequence is the most foundational concept in programming, and everything we learn moving forward will build on this concept.

Sequence in Kodable

Learning how to sequence is a key foundational skill that is taught through playing Kodable! Within Kodable students will be giving their fuzzes specific commands in the correct sequence so they are able to reach the end of each maze.

Sequence within Cloudhaven

The first planet students visit within Kodable is called Cloudhaven! This beginner level planet is entirely dedicated to teaching students how to sequence. The goal of Cloudhaven is for students to learn how to provide their fuzzes with the correct sequence of commands to reach the end of each maze. They will do this through providing their fuzzes instructions using arrows in the correct order so their fuzzes can exit the maze successfully and collect stars at the same time!

In the example below you can see I need to use the correct sequence of commands so my fuzz can reach the end of the maze while also collecting all three stars along the way!

I will use the blue arrows at the bottom of the screen to give my fuzz instructions for how to get out! I will select the arrows right, down, and right again to guide my fuzz out of the maze.

After sequencing my instructions using the blue arrows, I will click the green play button so my fuzz can escape the maze and move on to the next level within Cloudhaven! Happy Coding!

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