Step 1: Download Kodable
Kodable is a free download in the iOS App Store.
Step 2: Select "Home"
Launch Kodable and tap on the orange "Home" button.
Step 3: Log In
Next, tap on the orange "Register" button.ย
If you have an account, you can log in to an existing account to automatically download your profiles. If you do not have one, you can register from here.
Step 4: Account Set up & Learn about Kodable
Add your first learner by selecting the blue " + Add " button.
Step 5: Start your trial
Kodable offers parents a completely free, 7- day trial where you can explore all of Kodable. We want you to love Kodable before you have to buy anything. You'll never be billed without your consent.
Step 6: Select your profile
The profiles you have created will automatically be downloaded. You can create a new profile or tap on existing one to start playing.